The Marketing Checklist #1 – The One-Liner

Do you ever stumble when a client or lead asks you what you do, or what your company does? Do you hear your team members struggle with this question too?

You need to get a clear and concise statement for how your business fills a need and provides value – and it needs to be just one sentence long.

So how can you get started with a strong marketing statement?

In this video, digital marketing expert John Arnott will walk you through the questions you need to ask in order to come up with the first step in your marketing checklist – your marketing one-liner.

To stand out from a crowded marketplace, you need to distill what makes you different from your competition into a compelling statement that your customers will understand.

The one-liner is not just an elevator pitch in a shorter form – it’s the backbone of your digital marketing strategy.

This video is the first in a five-part series about how to create a complete digital marketing checklist for your business.

Follow along to learn the five simple steps you need to start marketing your business, positioning you for huge growth.

Developing a strong digital marketing strategy for your business starts with just one sentence. Learn how to craft that perfect one-liner today.