The Challenge
iBuilders Broker is a brokerage which focuses solely on new spec and production homes. In essence, they help buyers find the perfect newly-built homes from highly sought-after production builders, and all in one convenient place. A lot of companies unfortunately have sites which only list the basics. However, IBuilers has created detailed and up-to-date listings of current inventory, which include virtual tours of each home.
For iBuilders, they needed help boosting their brand and creating a new site to attract the right customers. They lacked the proper social presence needed for their ideal customers to reach out. This both hurt their brand and their sales.
Our Approach.
Knowing that iBuilders Broker needed help expanding their brand to a wider range of clients, they hired us to build them a new website. The site itself needed to have an MLS integrated into it and also a separate section for builders to upload and list properties.
Although this was only a business grade website, with no marketing, we made sure to enhance the user experience to ensure every visitor, whether builder or buyer, had no issues.
Along with a brand new website, we also added the following:
- Full Brandscript
- Foundation Content
- Unique Customer Portal for Builders
- Unique Customer Portal for Buyers
Overall, we had a wonderful time creating this amazing site for iBuildersbroker.