Hargrave Family Law

Hargrave Family Law
About the Project
As a new law practice, Hargrave Family Law needed a website built from scratch which encompassed their services, as well as how they work. Unlike other family law firms who prioritize courtroom settlements and revenge-seeking spouses, Hargrave supports amicable and non-threatening resolutions to family matters. The site embodies this mentality through carefully crafted copy and content creation.

The site is supported by weekly blog content centered around common family law concerns, and a targeted autoresponder campaign to create awareness and engage prospects. We curate and manage their social media accounts, where followers can learn more about Hargrave Law, as well as gain important insights into family law topics, such as Collaborative Divorce Process, Premarital Agreements and Child Custody. Our efforts are aimed at positioning Hargrave Law as an expert and partner in family law matters, who will settle disputes and help remind clients of what is important in life.

The site is regularly optimized for wording and content adjustments, based on key metrics gained from our efforts.

View the live site.