What is Retargeting?
Retargeting is such an integral part of the Internet that you probably encounter it every day without paying much attention to it. For example, say you’ve been thinking of taking a trip to Hawaii this summer. You travel to Google and search for some information about travel costs for different dates. Later, you notice that there are advertisements for flights to Hawaii popping up on other websites that you visit throughout the day.
Retargeting is the mechanism that makes this possible. It’s what controls whether you see certain advertisements and is responsible for the sudden influx of certain ads after you’ve done various actions online.
From a marketing point of view, the purpose of retargeting is to lure back visitors who have gotten partway toward making a purchase but did not yet convert. Visitors who browse an online store without buying anything can be retargeted; so can web searchers who type certain keywords into search engines but don’t buy the products associated with those keywords.
Retargeting is valuable to marketers because the recipients of retargeting are already one step closer to converting. When you retarget a visitor who has previously looked at your product, you know that he is already interested in your products or at least aware of your brand. This removes some of the hurdles faced when marketing to new customers who have never heard of your brand or may not necessarily be looking for what you sell. This is why, on average, retargeting campaigns are more successful than other types of ads in terms of their ROI. It’s also why implementing a retargeting campaign is so crucial to your business.